Providing an antidote to inexperience

We can promise you’ll never need to explain the intricacies of your industry to any of our team. They’re already a specialist expert in their field.

We exist to build the House of Oculus

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    A coalition of the ultimate recruitment elite

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    Always available under one accessible roof

  • Yes, we could talk about how we aren’t rookies, and that each specialist delivers an expert-level performance
  • Yes, we could talk about how responsive we are at every step of the process.
  • And yes, we could talk about how many niches we can provide elite recruitment services for.
  • But, in reality, we’re different because…
  • If our Partners don't fill your role, they don't get paid

What’s in our DNA


Empower your creativity: Work where, when, and how you want with unparalleled freedom and flexibility.


Surround yourself with motivated minds: our community is full of driven individuals providing endless inspiration.


We trust in your expertise: So there is no micromanagement, no KPIs—just the freedom to excel and bill confidently.


Your choice, your drive: Without someone breathing down your neck, your passion fuels even harder work.


Positive vibes only: Our environment shields you from toxicity, fostering a culture of optimism.


Achieve true happiness: financial freedom, family-time, flexibility, and a wealth of experiences—not ping pong tables and beer taps.

The team

Tim Heslop

Tim Heslop Founder

Tim Heslop Founder


Tim launched his recruitment career in 2011, quickly establishing himself as a consistent 7-figure global top biller while simultaneously spearheading recruitment ventures.  He possesses extensive experience in guiding recruiters to reach their fullest potential. He's adept at crafting overarching market strategies and fine-tuning daily tactics crucial for our Partners' success.

My area of expertise is…

Tim has a pedigree in strategically partnering with hyper-growth businesses across a variety of industries and scaling multi-disciplined teams.

Tyler Martis

Tyler Martis Founder

Tyler Martis Founder


Tyler embarked on his recruitment journey close to a decade ago, quickly becoming a recurring seven-figure global top biller. In addition to that, he also brings a wealth of experience in mentoring recruiters to achieve their maximum potential while also being proficient in devising comprehensive market strategies and day-to-day approaches. He plays a pivotal role in ensuring the success of all of our Partners.

My area of expertise is…

Tyler brings a wealth of experience in strategic collaboration with companies ranging from startups to enterprise practices worldwide, assisting them in achieving their desired growth.

We can promise you’ll never need to explain the intricacies of your industry to any of our team. They’re already a specialist expert in their field.

We commit to always bringing solutions to challenges, with the understanding and experience of going through similar situations previously.

Our commitment to providing a personal service to all our partners is unwavering.


The Oculus team are my go to partner for any and all Microsoft resources.  They are extremely professional and responsive and  bring top quality candidates 100% of the time. 

VP, Professional Services

The Oculus team finds those needles in the haystack to really help us build out our team with highly skilled, qualified candidates.  They help manage  and represent us very well through the whole process.

VP, Professional Services

Oculus consistently brings top end talent.  Great team. I’m particularly impressed by how quickly they can scale to our needs whenever needed.

Hitachi Solutions

B.O.S.S. mode activated

We have designed and built own own custom Business Operations Staffing System (B.O.S.S.). Alongside our top-notch CRM and pipeline management tools, you'll find finance management resources and a whole bunch of other goodies in our Operations module. It's like having a Swiss Army knife for your micro-agency!


We’re on a mission to meaningfully change the state of play within recruitment.

Become a partner